New to the shipping industry? Our trained shipping specialist will explain the process in detail, help you understand all your options, as handle all of your logistics, shipping, storage and moving needs. We will take the time to explain this so that you can make the best decision for you. FILODRIVE’s trained specialists, are ready to assist you now.
Our processes and relationships help ensure your cargo gets there on time and without issue. With a dedicated team of trained specialists there to guide you from the very beginning, we have you covered, every step of the way.
Personal Service
FILODRIVE maintains a staff of experienced professionals who are continually trained and educated in safety, procedures and communication.
Cost Effective Shipping
Our staff works directly with you to determine the most efficient and cost effective method to move your product. We provide communication regarding your shipments according to your specific needs.
Professional and Reliable
As a licensed, insured and bonded non-vessel operating common carrier (NVOCC), FILODRIVE offers competitive rates and top notch service. We have a global network of agents to provide you with service worldwide. We know how to make sure your cargo is safe and secure while obtaining the best price and terms.
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